Money on table with hand using calculator

Money-Saving Tips that Are Easy To Implement


Your savings account is a tool that can give you financial freedom and peace of mind. It provides a buffer in case of emergencies and relieves you of needless worry. When the car breaks down or your child needs to see a doctor, you will have the money in the bank when you save on a regular basis. 

Even a little saving can add up to a sizable nest egg, especially if you’re saving on a consistent basis!

My husband and I started regularly putting money into our savings account every month just like paying a bill.  Here just last month, I had to get new glasses which my insurance does not cover and if we had not had the money in savings I would have had to do without them.  Now we added 10% to the regular amount we put back to replenish what I had to use.  We figured out if we ate out at least 3 times per month less than we had been doing (we eat out at least once or twice per week; the advantage of him being retired and this is something we enjoy doing.  We also budget for it) we could save a little more each month.

Follow these money-saving tips to grow your bank account and peace of mind:

  1. Brew your own coffee. 
  • By brewing your own coffee each morning rather than making a daily run to your favorite premium coffee and latte store, you’ll save a considerable amount of money over the course of one year. As an added bonus, you’ll likely lose weight by opting for a cup of simple, homebrewed Joe rather than a frothy frappe with all the bells and whistles. 
  • Assuming that your daily premium coffee order is priced between $3.75 and $4.35, you can save between $975 and $1,131 each year! 
  1. Use coupons strategically. 

You can maximize your savings by shopping at a grocery store that automatically doubles your coupons. If you truly want to ramp up your savings, deposit the amount you save into your savings account. 

  • Media outlets, such as NBC and CBS have featured stories where power coupon queens purchase up to $250 worth of groceries for as little as $20 by doubling coupons and shopping strategically. Search their online database of videos to view these clips.
  1. Tip jar. 

When you eat out, you tip your waitress 20% of your bill. Apply the same logic to eating at home. When you cook an especially complex meal, treat yourself to a tip. Keep a tip jar at the counter, estimate the amount you would have paid for a similar meal at a restaurant, and bank 20% of that amount in your “chef’s tip jar.”

  • Let’s say, for a meal of pasta for four, you pay $45. Save money by cooking the meal at home, and tip yourself $9 rather than the waitress.
  • If you don’t have cash on you, write yourself a check and actually cash it. Alternatively, you can simply transfer the amount of your “tip” to your savings account. 
  1. Coin-operated laundry. 
  • Keep a jar in your laundry room and pay yourself $3 every time you do laundry. One dollar to wash, one dollar to dry and one dollar to fold. And, if you’re feeling generous, leave yourself a tip!
  • Assuming that you do laundry three times per week, you can save $156 per year!
  1. Review your services each year & eliminate the ones that you can do without

The potential here is almost unlimited since most of us have services we hardly use or don’t ever use at all. It could be canceling a hardly used gym membership, a landline telephone service, and cable TV; or changing your service plan. It may only be $50 to $100 per month, but over the years it really adds up. The easiest way to do this is to have a constant budget going.

My husband is the king at this so we’re always constantly reviewing what we’re spending our money on each month. I also do this with my businesses to make sure I’m not spending money on tools or subscription services I’m no longer using.

Saving money can be fun if you’re creative. By implementing these simple, quirky tips, you can put a smile on your face and add a remarkable amount to your savings account throughout the course of just one year!

Share your fun money-saving tips for your fellow readers and let’s help each other save.